Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer Float Offer 08

It's that time of year again folks! Time for the Willow Trading Float Offer. Here's how it works. Simply buy a single £30 voucher for a session in the flotation room and we'll give you a second voucher absolutely free.

The vouchers are valid for a year so even if life's a bit on the hectic side there should still be plenty of time for some deep, deep relaxation. Perhaps you'll share the vouchers with a friend, perhaps you'll keep them both for your self. We don't mind. It's up to you. The only condition is that the vouchers can only be used for float sessions. They can't be used for any other treatment or products.

To take advantage of this fabulous offer either call us on 0141 339 6446, place your order online via our secure web site or pop in to Willow Trading at 715 Great Western Road, Glasgow.
    Quotes from some happy floaters:

    "I feel fantastic after a float. All life's stresses just seem to float away"

    "I float after a long-haul flight. It's a great way to beat jet lag"

    "I love it. It makes me feel energised, relaxed and clear headed. I floated all through my final year and sailed through my exams"
Offer ends Sunday 28th September 08 at midnight.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

We are delighted that we now offer Manual Lymphatic Drainage with therapist Nicola O'Hare on Mondays, Thursdays and Wednesday evenings.

You may have heard of Manual Lymphatic Drainage but be a bit un-clear as to what it involves and its benefits. So here's a bit of background about this wonderful complementary therapy.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage was developed in the 1930's by Drs Vodder for the treatment of sinusitis & other immune problems. It is now a widely accepted form of massage; a relaxing treatment to help improve immunity, healing, detoxification & to increase energy. And we could all do a bit of that!!

The lymphatic system consists of the lymph which is a clear fluid that travels through out the body's tissues to cleanse the cells of waste & toxins. The lymph travels to the lymph nodes where it is filtered to remove unwanted substances such as bacteria & viruses which are then safely eliminated from the body.

The lymphatic system doesn't have its own pump. The lymph fluid is moved through the body by the action of breathing & body movement. So a lack of activity reduces lymphatic circulation. This leads to a build up of fluids, waste & toxins resulting in a sluggish feeling & reduced immunity.
    Here's a handy tip -
    Deep breathing exercises & any form of exercise
    or movement can help encourage lymph
    to move around the body.
Lymphatic drainage massage helps to encourage lymph flow & fluid drainage. This is a very gentle treatment using very light pressure & gentle pumping of the main lymph nodes. A treatment will cover the full body working on the stomach, groin, & breast areas to stimulate the lymph to flow freely. To maximise the effectiveness of a treatment it is best to allow plenty of time afterwards to relax & allow the body to heal itself.

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage good for?
* Stimulation of immune system
* Fluid retention
* Cellulite
* Stress relief
* Digestion
* Constipation
* After cosmetic surgery
* Tissue regeneration
* General tiredness
* Poor energy flow
* Arthritis
* Sinusitis
* Swelling in pregnancy
* Painful breasts
* Detoxification
* Lymphoedema (with GP’s consent)

Lymphatic Drainage Massage takes an hour and costs £35.

If you would like to make an appointment please call 0141 339 6446.
Your body will thank you for it!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

5 ways to clear sinuses

Many people suffer from sinusitis at some time in their life. Antibiotics can help but often the sinus problems return as soon as the course is over because the root cause is still there.

Here are some suggestions to help reduce the chance of getting sinusitis and to treat it naturally if you do.

1. Drink plenty of water
Keeping your body well hydrated is a good idea for many reasons but especially if you are prone to sinus problems. A headache across the eyes and forehead can indicate slight dehydration or too much salt in the diet.
"I know this remedy's not pleasant
but neither is sinusitis"
2. Look at your diet
Reduce mucus forming foods. The main culprit here is dairy so that means milk, cheese and cream. Yoghurt and butter are usually fine. Also, to help your immune system, reduce sugar, coffee and alcohol. All of which will affect your body's hydration and may have triggered the sinusitis in the first place. Increase fresh vegetables and fruits to help reduce acidity and remove toxins via the bowels. Keep any salt in your diet to a minimum.

3. Aromatherapy for the sinuses
At Willow Trading we offer a Sinus Soother treatment which uses essential oils and pressure point massage to release congestion and fight infection. It's a very popular treatment which can bring a lot of relief. If you're not in our area don't worry; any experienced aromatherapist will be able to do this type of treatment. You can also use essential oils at home. Pine, eucalyptus and thyme are good oils to choose for an inhalation steam bath. Just add a couple of drops of each to a basin of boiling water, pop a towel over your head to trap the steam and inhale deeply. Be vary careful not to tip the basin over or your sinuses will be the least of your worries!

4. Give your nostrils a salt bath
Although salt in our diets should be kept to a minimum salt can be used to fight infection. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and allow to cool to body temperature. Lean over a sink. Rest your nose over the brim of the cup. Slowly tip your head back until the saline solution runs in to your nostrils. Sniff hard!! (I know this remedy's not pleasant but then neither is sinusitis). Then all you do is spit out any that is in your mouth.

5. Garlic and parsley
Garlic is great for all sorts of infections and the beauty of it is that it's often readily to hand. However it needs to be taken raw. If you cut a clove of garlic in to tiny pieces you can swallow it with water. Just like taking a pill. Take at least one clove. And the parsley? Well that's to take a way the smell of the garlic. Chew a couple of sprigs and you'll be kissable again in no time!

Monday, March 31, 2008

tell us about your favourite products

Do you have a favourite skin care product that you'd like to tell us about? At Willow Trading we'd love to hear what you think about any product we sell whether it's from our web site or our Glasgow shop.

You might like to tell us how good Burt's Bees Herbal Blemish Stick is or maybe you just adore Essential Care Organic Rose Moisturiser. Have you tried Green People shampoo and now couldn't live without it?
"We'd love to hear your thoughts
- positive or constructive!"
Perhaps you have a cheeky tip you'd like to share. Maybe you've found a new use for something that others would love to hear about. We know of one lady who uses Neal's Yard Remedies Lavender and Tea Tree Body Powder to dry shampoo her dog.

Whatever the product we'd love to hear your thoughts - positive or constructive! It's always good to be able to share customer comments with people when they are choosing a product and we'd like to post some genuine testimonials on our web site too.

So if you'd like to send us a comment just click on the "comments" link below and let your fingers do the talking!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

review of Green People toothpaste for children

There is a lot of concern about the unnecessary amount of fluoride in toothpaste and particularly in toothpaste for children who often swallow paste when cleaning their teeth. Some kids even like to suck it out the tube. Not a good idea when you consider that the manufacturers advise against swallowing it, using only a peas-sized amount and rinsing well after use.

As well as fluoride, regular brands of toothpaste also contain sodium laureth/lauryl sulphate (SLS) which is a harsh foaming agent that can cause irritation, ulcers and dryness in the mouth. As an alternative, Green People have formulated an organic, fluoride-free toothpaste with a mild taste and only a very mild foaming action. It's also made without preservatives. It really is 100% natural.

Green People toothpastes contain antiseptic, antibacterial essential oils and rather than rinsing the paste away at the end Green People say that by leaving a coating of paste in the mouth the essential oils will continue to protect the teeth and gums.

It's certainly quite a different experience brushing with this type of toothpaste compared with the zingy, blow the top of your head, fill your mouth with foam toothpastes that we used to use. It took a bit of getting used to however children's toothpastes are generally milder in flavour than adult ones so it was an easier transition for them to make.

I think this a great product. My children have been using Green People toothpaste for about five years and their teeth are filling free. I, who have a mouth full of fillings due to a high sugar, low dental care childhood, have also been using Green People toothpaste for the same length of time. Before I started using it I had a problem with bleeding gums but the aloe vera and myrrh (which is renowned for it's affect on the gums) have made a tremendous difference. My gums are now strong and healthy and I also think my teeth are whiter than they've ever been. So that's something to smile about!!