It's that time of year again folks! Time for the Willow Trading Float Offer. Here's how it works. Simply buy a single £30 voucher for a session in the flotation room and we'll give you a second voucher absolutely free.
The vouchers are valid for a year so even if life's a bit on the hectic side there should still be plenty of time for some deep, deep relaxation. Perhaps you'll share the vouchers with a friend, perhaps you'll keep them both for your self. We don't mind. It's up to you. The only condition is that the vouchers can only be used for float sessions. They can't be used for any other treatment or products.
To take advantage of this fabulous offer either call us on 0141 339 6446, place your order online via our secure web site or pop in to Willow Trading at 715 Great Western Road, Glasgow.
- Quotes from some happy floaters:
"I feel fantastic after a float. All life's stresses just seem to float away"
"I float after a long-haul flight. It's a great way to beat jet lag"
"I love it. It makes me feel energised, relaxed and clear headed. I floated all through my final year and sailed through my exams"